An Extravehicular Maintenance Sim

The Beginning | 2017 - 04 - 22

The repo is set up, the blog is online and I can officially begin work on OpenEVA. This is a project that I have been milling in my mind for some time so I am quite exited to begin. For this project I really want to get the full open gamedev experience, complete with devblog. I am a huge proponent of free software and open source collaboration, which is why I have chosen GPL v3.0 for the OpenEVA licence. I want this to be an open experience with every opportunity for others to share and learn along with me. I will try to keep a very regular devblog of my progress as well as provide reference and knowledge of the technology and art I will use and create.

I will be developing OpenEVA using Godot, a great full featured 2D and 3D game engine released under the MIT licence. Godot 3.0 (which we will be using) is currently in Alpha releases so I am quite exited to use some of the new features. GDNative in particular has huge potential to enable some extremely interesting things.

All other tools I will be using will be free, as in freedom. AAA quality games can be achieved using completely free software. GIMP, Inkscape and Blender will suffice for our art pipeline; LMMS and Audacity for sound; as for an IDE, maybe KDevelop or Eclipse, I don’t really have a favorite and will probably just end up using emacs or vim. I am writing this blog in vim (along with termux emacs on my phone), which is really all I ever need in a text editor.

I am exited to make this my main hobby and pastime for the forseeable future, and determined to see it’s development through to completion and beyond. It is certain to be a rewarding and enlightening experience.