An Extravehicular Maintenance Sim

July Update | 2017 - 07 - 31

A busy summer schedule and another bout of the flu has made the past month or so less productive than I would have liked, however I have made some important progress on OpenEVA’s development. I have spent some time researching how I should licence game and concept artwork, content and other meta-material, like my blog posts ant stuff which isn’t source code or the game itself. There is quite a bit to consider there, but i think i can come up with a permissive and simple framework. I have been researching office tools and studio equipment which will help in the game’s development. Also, I have continued to do some more concept work which I hope to show off in an official capacity soon.

The GPL is a great licence, and I advocate it pretty much whenever possible, however there are many domains and contexts where it may be inappropriate. I want to allow content to be licensed separately from the game itself, weather under creative commons or some other license of the of the artists choosing. As far as I understand this should be allowable, but this is an area that will require a lot more research before it will be understood completely.

I have started to think about sound design and implementation and have begun re-familiarizing myself with lmms and audio production in general. Sound design and music production is one of those areas I have immense interest and appreciation for but really haven’t spent much time pursuing. While I understand the basics of music theory and the audio production pipeline, i hope to use this project as a catalyst for building skills in the domain. I will likely write up several posts dedicated to outlining my audio pipeline and hardware setup (if i can ever afford it) in the coming weeks.

Speaking of hardware I cant afford, I have been looking at picking up a simple drawing tablet for aiding art creation. After working on some concept pieces I have come to appreciate how badly I need one to produce the style and amount of art I want for OpenEVA. I have my selection narrowed down to a few economical choices, now I am waiting for a good deal. Hopefully I will soon be set up to start producing art and graphics in earnest.

Finally, the game itself is poised to begin development in the next few months. I still have some research experimentation to do in Godot 3.0 but I am feeling pretty confident that everything is coming into place. We should see an uptick in the frequency of blog posts as development picks up as well since I will have more progress and interesting material to actually write about.